J 2534

A pass-through device is used with an Internet connected computer to diagnose and reprogram vehicle control modules through the OBD-II connector. SAE International standardized the J-2534 requirements in 2004, requiring all manufacturers to allow programming of emission related modules on all vehicles sold in the United States of America.

J 2534-2

Is another new protocol included in the VeDis 3 and i Scan 3 packages

Drew Technologies

Is the only J-2534 company with effective tech support.

Mongoose OBDII cables 

Start @ $500

CarDAQ + 3 J 2534-1 & 2

Lowest cost, fully compliant J-2534 1 & 2 device selling for around $1680.

The Master bundle includes the truck cable for $2350

CarDAQ  M J 2534-1 & 2

Future ready! Easily add Modules for new protocols! Currently the only device with DoIP options!

Only $2150

These manufacturers allow all diagnostic/programming functions via J2534.



Jaguar/Land Rover




Mercedes Benz allows SCN coding through J 2534!