i Scan 3 and our newest the i ScanSF are more than just a scan tool! They are gateways to higher level functions.
Please visit our customer page by clicking on this line! We sold our first Scanner in 2000. We sold the Autologic for the Automotive Tech Shop in 2006. We started selling for Ross-Tech in 2006. Autoland Scientech in 2007. Drew Technologies in 2008. We paid for a full Mercedes-Benz subscription April, 2019
We started working with OEM's diagnostic software around the same time. Mercedes Benz in 2007, then BMW, VW-Audi, Land Rover, Jaguar, Volvo, and Porsche. After we learned the more challenging European brands, we moved on to the Asian and domestics. Call us for information about the functions on the new i Scan 3 and the Smaller Format of the SF.
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Autoland Scientech scantool users
We spoke with Richard Zenteno, Marketing manager for … read more