I was at an European specialty shop yesterday that has two Autologics.
One for BMW and another for MB. They also have a “factory” MB system. The owner say’s he always uses the factory system when diagnosing MB cars.
It does not come close to the Autologic in available diagnostic information.
We hooked up to a BMW and used the new BMW-ICOM.
It was fast, it pulled, the DTC’s, showed the full CAN network in a minute.
Green modules are great, yellow have faults, red are missing, how easy is that?
SAS, FRM, eccentric shaft sensor.
This really helps in a multi line shop. This is a must as we are getting a lot of entry level technicians, that appreciate the deep system explanations in that software.
The owner asked me to prepare an estimate for the Universal scanner from Taiwan and a PC.
Nice. I also watched as he tried a SRI on a late model Porsche with the Durametric. FAIL.
The Universal scanner from Taiwan does it, no problem.