BMW just announced the new requirements for programming their cars.
105 AMPs! 13.2-14.2 VDC.
So with the start of the E72 and F01 chassis cars, everyone programming these cars needs more POWER!
While programming, BMW rolls windows up and down, turns cooling fans on and off, runs its electric water pumps and headlights the whole time.
These power supplies maintain steady voltages while all this is happening.
Midtronic PSC550 will not keep up.
The Midtronics PSC700 is a little short as well.
The charger we have been selling is only a 70 AMP.
Your Fronious Charger will not do.
The only single charger that is capable and recommended by BMW is a Deutronics DBL 1600 @ about a dollar an AMP!
Don’t make a move without checking back with us.
We are waiting for engineers approval on the most affordable solution that we have proposed.
Stay tuned for an update tomorrow.
Paul Callanan